
Xinia Salazar Madrigal

Xinia Salazar Madrigal

Pediatric Dentistry
Patient Demographics: Babies, Children

"I believe that the key in treating patients is education, ethics and fun. Through games and imagination, children can be taught proper oral health and be brought to understand that every treatment is important to protect their teeth. With tales and songs, children gain serenity and confidence to enjoy going to the dentist without fear. That way, we make this process more friendly and manageable to both children and parents, and at the same time we help children prevent future problems."

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Procedures (11)

General Inquiry
Bondings, per tooth
Crown (permanent tooth)
Crown (temporary tooth)
Dental Cleaning
Fissure Sealants
Impacted tooth extraction
Permanent tooth extraction
Teeth Whitening
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Medical conditions (10)

Bacterial plaque
Bad breath
Oral thrush (creamy white lesions in mouth)
Sensitive gum
Sensitive teeth
Teeth grinding/clenching (bruxism)
Tooth enucleation
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General Info

About me

When I was a child, going to a dentist really scared me and made me anxious. It was a real challenge to make me stay still. When I turned 6, I had a very nice experience with a doctor who helped me control my fears and I learned that everything would be ok as long as I was calm. In that moment I realized that I wanted to become a Pediatric Dentist to help other children who, just like me, were scared of going to the dentist with the fear of not knowing what was going to happen. Fortunately, I love to work with children, I am very patient and can communicate very clearly with kids. When my little patients come to my office, I show them how everything works in the office, what each instrument and material is for and we let them use a small mirror so that they can see what we are doing in their mouths. These techniques make the patients feel like they have the situation under control. As a result, they lose fear and become interested in their dental hygiene and preventing illnesses. In my days as teacher, I promised myself that all my students would learn the different types of disabilities, their implications and the attention protocol necessary to treat handicapped patients as handicapped patients represent a beautiful challenge. It has been very gratifying to see that my students (now colleagues) learned to treat these patients in a very humane, fearless way and without using general anesthesia. I believe that anything is possible when you love what you do.




  • Specialty in Pediatric Dentistry. Universidad de Costa Rica. December 2002
  • Doctor in Dental Surgery. Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología (ULACIT). May 1998
  • Internship

    Handicapped Patient Management at University of Buenos Aires


  • Costa Rican Dental Association cod. 163398Active

    Costa Rica

  • Professor: Pediatric Dentistry Patient Management - August, 1998 - December, 2000
  • Head of the Pediatric Dentistry Department - Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología. May, 2003-August, 2007
  • Medical Instructor of the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic